Since 1987 FoxBase has been a very usefull relational database tool and has been used worldwide with several developers. As an alternative for the standards dBase and Clipper, DOS-based FoxBase still offered, despite upcoming "GUI/Windows" competition, a reliable and fast solution to manage data.

Finally you've found it...!

On this site you'll find several tools, examples and the FoxPlus Runtime 2.10 (wich fixes the 'Not enough space for environment' error!), helpfiles and printer codes. With the 2.10 runtime you'll be able to continue working with your DOS-based FoxPlus program code and databases.

Some of the visitors of this site:

"I am very excited that you guys exist. I have been looking to run foxbase on an XP machine for at least 5 years!" "I've downloaded the software and it works wonderfully. Thank you for providing this product. You've saved me a great deal of work and frustration." "After trying several tips and workarounds on many forums I've finally found the only solution right on this site!" "Thanks for the fast service and helpfull software!" "I'm very happy that I can still use my FoxBase database and scripts under Vista Ultimate!" "Runtime 2.10 works perfectly under Windows XP!"
Herb M.
Princeton NY, US
Joyce P.
Feasterville, US
Carlos S.
Madrid, Spain
Max F.
Berlin, Germany
Martijn J.
Gouda, The Netherlands
Nasir I.
Mumbai, India

The solution: FoxPlus 2.10 Runtime!

Having problems running FoxBase under Windows 2000/XP/Vista? Continue working with your your DOS based FoxPlus! Get rid of the error:


This runtime brings the solution: foxplus.exe will now work problemless! (read all about FoxBase & Windows 2000/XP/Vista down this page)

The heart or better: the engine of every FoxBase application is the runtime. We offer the standard version 2.00 (1988) and an enhanced version 2.10 (1989). The last one mentioned works as the only one available also under Windows 2000/XP/Vista.

For use with Windows 7, 8 or 10 you should consider using a emulator such as Windows Virtual PC (see below) or use some of the compatibility features of Windows 10, see:

Our distributions contains not only the executable (.exe) but also the overlay, internal help file and configuration files.


Order** now and get as a BONUS the usefull tool FoxpComp Compiler (2.0/2.1) for free!

Affortable FoxPlus Runtime combination package wich includes:
  • FoxPlus Runtime 2.10 (Canadian/VS/English)
  • FoxPlus Runtime 2.10 (European Int. version)
  • FoxPlus 2.10 Multi-User Runtime (US/Canadian)
  • FoxpComp Compiler (2.0/2.1)

**Your payment is just a contribution for the costs of this website and distributing the files, this is not a software licence.
Your contribution to this site:
EUR 99,00

After recieving your payment** you will receive a download link per e-mail.
We provide secure payment through PayPal. The currency on our website is euro.



FoxBase & Windows

Using software from the early 90's where support isn't available anymore due the the fact that many of the developers and manufacturers don't exist anymore can be quite risky. On certain crucial moments such as the millennium change and looking against the constantly innovation in operating system software, there can be a lack of neccesary updates and patches. On this page you'll find powerfull solutions to fix the most discussed problems with FoxBase.

Windows 10

Your (new) Windows PC doesn’t support DOS applications anymore. Previous Windows 32-bit versions included NTVDM, facilitating DOS programs to run. Windows (10/11) 64-bit is now the norm: Starting a DOS program will display a popup it can’t run.

One option was to install a virtual Windows 32-bit system. The setup can however be daunting. To 'only' run that DOS application, its practical use overkill and cumbersome.

vDos lets you conveniently run DOS applications by emulating an extended DOS PC in a window. Not in a nostalgic manner, as once in DOS or NTVDM, but optimized for modern Windows. vDos itself runs on Windows 7 or later, 32 and 64-bit. It will be the most adequate solution for using productive DOS programs.

DOS apps start almost instantly in a scalable window and crisp TTF font (in text mode). Actually delayed (the almost) until it accepts input. No 'intro' of DOS startup commands, just popping up the DOS app.

Mature and no-nonsense, focuses exclusively on serious end-user programs, setup yours easily. No complex configuration to load drivers, set file handles, keyboard layout, language character set…

For more information, visit

Windows 7

Windows 7 has several built-in tools to help with program compatibility and Windows XP programs should be installed directly on Windows 7. Windows XP Mode runs many older Windows XP productivity programs and that are not natively compatible with Windows 7, thus helping realize cost savings and reduce possible operational downtime by extending the life of existing software. Visit the Windows 7 Compatibility Center to find software that works with Windows 7.

Windows XP Mode is a 500 Mb file and may take several minutes to download.

Don’t need XP Mode and want VPC only? Download Windows Virtual PC without Windows XP Mode.

Supported guest operating systems include Windows XP Service Pack (SP3) Professional, Windows Vista Enterprise and Ultimate, and Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate.

For more information, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on

Program execution under Windows 2000/XP/Vista


Runtime 2.00 (and earlier) of Foxplus can't be launched under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Right after the start the program will close immediately. Despite all kinds of tips an trucs on several discussion boards none of the adaptions of the AUTOEXEC.BAT en CONFIG.SYS offers a working solution.



Runtime 2.10 of Foxplus however runs problemless in a DOS box under both Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Some routines loaded during startup could generate error messages, but they have no effect to the program. Just ignore them! Most important is that your DOS application will run!

PLEASE NOTE: Windows 7 64 bits is NOT supported! You could consider using Windows Virtual PC (see below).

Just ignore the error messages!


When you are experiencing problems starting the FoxPlus executable, you could try execute the file in 'compatibility mode'. For more information search the web or the Microsoft resources, f.i.

Printing under Windows XP


FoxPlus can't print through a network printer (or a printer connected to an other PC in your netwerk). After the print command the program freezes.


Use the Windows utility net.exe to map a
to a virtual printer port. This command can be executed via Start, Execute:

net use lpt1: \\server1\hplj4 /persistent:yes

net use lpt2: \\server1\hplj4v /persistent:yes

In this example a HP Laserjet 4 (connected to a PC with network name server1) wil be mapped to port LPT1 and a HP Laserjet 4V (connected to the same remote PC) to LPT2*.

You now can easily set your printer (SET PRINT TO LPT1) and print your output to the remote printer.

*) to use a LPT2 port you probably have to expand your hardware with an extra LPT expansion card.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer support or technical assistance on the supplied runtimes and tools working under various operating systems. We just offer the FoxPlus runtime and other files as it is. Maybe you can find an answer to your specific question or problem on the internet.




Getting started with the FoxPlus Runtime

On this page we'll give a brief instruction on using the FoxPlus Runtime 2.10.


First obtain the right runtime version from our site.

After receiving the file package, unzip all the files of the ZIP-archive to a new directory on your harddisk, f.i.
NOTE: only use 'no-spaced' 8-character (or less) path- and file names because of the restrictions of the old DOS platform.

Start testing your environment by starting the foxplus.exe file. If the runtime starts and displays the command prompt (dot) you'll have 'installed' the runtime succesfully.


Initially you'll probably see the FoxPlus runtime in a (too) small DOS-box. To change the size of this box you'll have te create a shortcut (f.i. on your desktop) of wich you can edit the settings (font type and size and window size). By starting the runtime through the shortcut the screen settings for this shortcut will be activated. You can either run your FoxBase in full screen or Windows screen mode. Click here to download (right-click, Save As) our example shortcut files:

Shortcut to FOXPLUS.EXE (full screen mode).pif

Shortcut to FOXPLUS.EXE (window mode).pif

Download pif files as a ZIP archive

When using our sample shortcuts it's important that you've installed the FoxBase files in the c:\foxbase\ directory!


The runtime just starts the FoxBase environment till the 'prompt'; the little dot that waits for your input. You can directly type in commands as

USE [database]

etc., but more convenient it is to start a program routine through





You can automate the start sequence by creating a file named config.db with as content just the following line:

command = do menu

Right after starting up, FoxPlus will launch the menu.prg or file, as stated in the string above.


Files with the extension .FOX are compiled versions of the original .PRG source files. The tool FOXPCOMP converts .PRG into .FOX; with the tool FOX2PRG you'll be able to convert *.FOX back to its (editor readable) *.PRG version (for editing purposes etc.)


If you want to set specific values while using the FoxPlus runtime we advise you to start your program routine with a initialisation file. This is an example of a file (you could name it INIT.PRG etc.):

release all
close all
clear memory
clear gets
set clear on
set escape on
on error do [name of prg or fox file that intercepts errors]
set alternate to log
set alternate on
set date italian
set century on
set talk off
set confirm off
set scoreboard off
set exclusive off
set status off
set print off
set heading off
set echo off
set menu off
set step off
set unique off
set carry off
set deleted off
set bell off
set alternate off
set safety on
set delimiters off
set color to w

For more information please refer to your dBase or FoxBase manual(s).

NOTE: note the 'set century on' command wich alters the standard 2-digit into a 4-digit representation of the database YEAR field.


Just typ the command


right after the prompt and confirm with ENTER to close the FoxPlus runtime.



Order** now and get as a BONUS the usefull tool FoxpComp Compiler (2.0/2.1) for free!

Affortable FoxPlus Runtime combination package wich includes:
  • FoxPlus Runtime 2.10 (Canadian/VS/English)
  • FoxPlus Runtime 2.10 (European Int. version)
  • FoxPlus 2.10 Multi-User Runtime (US/Canadian)
  • FoxpComp Compiler (2.0/2.1)

**Your payment is just a contribution for the costs of this website and distributing the files, this is not a software licence.
Your contribution to this site:
EUR 99,00

After recieving your payment** you will receive a download link per e-mail.
We provide secure payment through PayPal. The currency on our website is euro.


The domain was registered early 2002, followed by in 2006, due to a lack of usefull information on the FoxBase development environment on the internet. As a web design and programmer company we would like to share our knowledge and skills with other developers.

Since we had the possibility to obtain the really important (!) runtime 2.10 with wich it was finally possible to run the DOS version of FoxBase under Windows 2000, XP and Vista, many developers downloaded our file packages. and are initiatives of, Dongen, Netherlands.

**The items we offer on this website are sold against a fee wich primary is a contribution to our website and further development. We're not offering any software licence(s). We don't offer trial versions and we are not giving a refund if the software in your specific situation should not match your expectations. We do not offer any support; we just give you the possibility to obtain certain needfull tools.